No more stressful days and weeks
that blend together in never ending treadmill of To-Dos
What if you could:
Find extra 5-10 hours a week you didn't know you had
Manage your schedule instead of your schedule managing you
Do more of the things that truly matter, and do them more efficiently
Invest your time in alignment with your goals, priorities, and values
Do the right things, at the right time, with just enough effort to get everything that matters done
Invest in your well-being so you can just feel better
Find the time to do the things YOU want to do

You CAN make this your reality and I can show you how!
Ready to achieve more and stress less?
My approach combines on-demand trainings with virtual 1-on-1 sessions. You can take the time you need to view and process the trainings at your own pace and receive personalized guidance to effectively incorporate them into your daily workflows. ​You’ll get the best tools, hacks, and strategies as well as the support to make them fit into your busy life.
Every person is unique and you may have unique challenges not covered by the on-demand trainings.
My coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, it's not a rigid curriculum. You may want to go deeper in some areas, lets dig into those! Or you may have some areas where you are crushing it already - great, we'll skip those!
My job as a coach is to adapt to your needs and work together to help you achieve results you are looking for. I am here to help you find your sweet spot for balance between productivity and well being.
On-demand trainings will show you how to
Plan your week for success
Learn how to effectively plan your week to get the most out of your time, week over week. Don't just get more done, accomplish what truly matters and moves your life forward!
You'll learn the process for:
Choosing the right priorities
Triaging tasks ruthlessly
Scheduling your days for maximum productivity
Staying the course as life happens
Set motivating and realistic goals
No more dropped New Years resolutions that you only half way committed to anyways. Set goals that light you up and that you would want to go after.
You will learn the process for goal setting to:
Maximize your chances of achieving your goal
Align with who you are and what you want
Ensure the goals are clear and motivating
Create clarity for the path to get there
Master managing all of your To-Dos
Learn how to implement a single trusted source of truth for everything on your plate! No more post-its, paper notes, or keeping a running list in your head.
Reduce stress by knowing everything is accounted for and will be done in its due time (or not done by choice!).
You'll learn how to:
Manage all your tasks and projects in a trusted system
Easily keep it up to date and use it in your planning
Incorporate your task scheduling into your daily and weekly flow so you know what is getting done when (and equally important what is not!)​​
Effectively collaborate on tasks with others
Manage your energy for maximum productivity
Learn how to manage your energy as the precious resource that it is, so you have more of it to do what matters.
You'll learn how to:
Identify your energy patterns
Make conscious choices to maximize energy
Build positive morning routine​
Change your energy to desired state
Reclaim your focus for maximum productivity
Gain efficiency, improve prioritization, and get better results by doing more deep work by mastering your focus.
You'll learn how to:
Wrangle internal barriers such as mindset and lack of motivation
Control our outside world to enable more focus
Use tools to help us focus when we need a little extra support and motivation
Achieve more, stress less
Learn how to define success on your terms, in alignment with who you are and who you want to be and maintain states of ease, calm, and confidence consistently.
You'll learn how to:
Replace stress with presence and calm
Use productivity tools to create more space in your life
Prioritize what truly matters and be ok letting the rest go
Get the most value and enjoyment out of everything on your plate
Reduce stress by incorporating peace and calm into your day-to-day